Sunday, October 17, 2010


Today was bright and sunny. Nearly everyone I saw this morning commented on how much better I was looking. And then they would chuckle. The auction started a bit after 10:30am and I bid on a few items. I wish Brenda were with me. I could use her suitcase to bring them back into the US. I also picked up a few of Brian Chittenden's handmade glass aquariums. That will be a trick to get them home. I think 2 will go in the suitcase and 3 will carry on. We will see. We said goodbye around 3:00pm and nearly made it back to Croust House (Duncan's house's name) before dark. I hadn't seen Duncan's fish room yet so we unloaded the car and went down to put fish away. We set up some temporary acclimation tanks and a couple for my Priapella olmecae (Yay!) and my Girardinus denticulatus. The latter is from Cuba and was collected in 2009 by Don Kenwood. If I can breed it by the ALA convention next April it should be very popular as I'm not sure if there are many in the US. David McAllister will be mailing some Priapricthys annectens tomorrow and I should be able to take those home as well. Now we are sitting in the office, sipping tea and watching football highlights of the matches we listened to in the car... Bliss.

1 comment:

brenda said...

You only wish that I was there because you know that I would have brought 5 pairs of shoes so you would have been able to "use" my shoes and my! Glad that you are having a good time. Send my love to Duncan, Karen, and the kiddos. See you in a couple of days. Miss you and love you! MUAH!