Monday, October 18, 2010


This morning I woke up, showered and wandered into the house to find Duncan's parents. They had the kids over the weekend and had just dropped off Juliette at school up the road and Monty at the childminders (babysitters) before droping by to fix some electriacl thing in the house. We talked a bit and when they learned I was interested in going out to Tunbridge Wells, suggested the bus and proceeded to instruct me on how to go about it. Duncan's dad was very thourough and we even went online to see schedules and routes. I was feeling confident so after checking on the fish (They are all fine by the way) I wandered out to the highway to wait for the bus. It's very different traveling through the country in the top of a double deck bus. For starters, you are well above the shrubs and hedges and often get clear views of the countryside for miles. Additionally it is much slower compared to rocketing down roads in a Mercedes where you just get a blur of green if you dare look to the side. I wandered around the center of town for a bit, stopped to have coffee and read the sports section of The Guardian. Page after page devoted to English Football. Fantastic. I did a little shopping and some more sightseeing before calling Duncan for a pick up. He works in Crowbourogh, just a few miles away. Now I'm back home relaxing.

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