Saturday, June 11, 2011

The Longest Day Ever

39 hours.  I'm not kidding.  Wednesday the 1st of June lasted 39 hours.  It' just isn't right.  This post is just a catch all of that last day.

THe trusty water bottles.  All of these were filled and refilled countless times throughout the week.
Why four, you ask?  notice how 3 and a half are empty?

3:00am and Raymond had breakfast for us.  A roll with "Chicken Frost".  Yup.  Chicken Frost.  I asked twice.

A Green Tea cake with Red Bean.

6:00am and we had time to kill at Changi airport.  I mentioned in the beginning how huge the place was.  Turns out is has several areas like this Butterfly Garden.  IN THE AIRPORT.

At 6:00am, all the butterflies are sleeping.  Tim got a couple good photos.  I didn't.


The free movie theater AT THE AIRPORT.
(For those who would ask, they were playing the new "Robin Hood".)

Took this one for Brenda.  Just an example of the shoe stores that are everywhere in Singapore.
This one of course was AT THE AIRPORT.

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